BROUGHT TO YOU BY TORCH AND Chief Learning Officer
Creating a culture of coaching within your organization
originally aired March 23, 2022
Watch Torch's Head of Behavioral Science Insights, Elizabeth Weingarten, and VP of People Success, Amy Lavoie, chat with Dani Johnson, Principal Analyst at Redthread Research about how to create a culture of coaching in your organization.
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Organizations and leaders are becoming increasingly interested in creating what many are calling a ‘culture of coaching’ and its many benefits including increased performance and results for all stakeholders in an organization.

The Details

Tune in as Torch's Elizabeth Weingarten, Head of Behavioral Science Insights, Amy Lavoie, VP of People Success at Torch, and Dani Johnson, Co-Founder and Principal Analyst at RedThread Research, address the following questions:

  • What does a culture of coaching look like?
  • How can you connect elements of a coaching culture with what people need to thrive at work today?
  • How can you and your organization take action now?
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