Brought to you by Torch and RedThread Research
The Future of Coaching
New Trends for a Changing World
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The Future of Coaching

As learning and development programs evolve, expectations for the role of coaching are also changing. Today, coaching programs are expected to be accessible, aligned to organizational objectives, and provide measurable ROI.

Watch as Dani Johnson, Cofounder and Principal Analyst of RedThread Research, sits down with Elizabeth Weingarten, Torch's Head of Behavioral Science Insights, in this one-hour webinar hosted by

During their discussion, Elizabeth and Dani review the findings of RedThead's coaching study including:
  • The nine types of coaching;
  • Different use cases for coaching and mentoring within an organization;
  • How to measure the success (and the ROI) of coaching, and so much more.
Fill in the brief form to watch the on-demand webinar now.

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