Jumpstart Growth with Behavioral Science
How The People Development Cycle works to drive real behavior change that accelerates organizational success
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There is a common myth that behavior change all comes down to an individual’s willpower. However, modern behavioral science research tells us that this isn’t true. In fact, someone’s ability to change, learn, and grow is as much about who they are as their environment and situation.

Our eBook, Jumpstart Growth with Behavioral Science, details Torch’s People Development Cycle, a model rooted in key psychological and learning theories that is designed to help individuals learn, grow, and change.

In this eBook, you'll learn how:
  • The People Development Cycle works to strengthen individuals and organizations
  • This methodology improves team performance, engagement, and retention rates
  • Coaching, mentoring, and digital learning, paired with The People Development Cycle, drives organizational success

Download the ebook now to see how you can start to boost employee growth and transform your team.

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